Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bad Behavior!!!!

There is no doubt that we want our dogs to be have like angels all the time.  The fact is, that is not reality.  Our pups have minds and agendas of their own at times.  When dogs misbehave we have to let them know that the behavior will not be tolerated.  We must do this however in a calm and respectful manner.  We need to ignore the dogs behavior diligently.  If they see we are not giving attention to their bad behavior it will hopefully stop.  Try ignoring the bad behavior and you will see results in time.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

You're in Charge (Lets make them stay)

I find that repeating the command above your dog shows that you are in control. Sometimes when you come down to the dogs level they feel that they are equal and can choose to ignore.  When training your pup with commands like "stay" make sure you stay above him/her so they know to listen.

Check Out This Video (click here)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Time & Treat Training

Many dog owners have trouble getting their dog to sit and follow commands.  I would say the number 1 reason that dogs don't listen to their owners is "TIME."  Repetitiveness is the key to most things, and from my experience that goes for training your dog as well.  Most owners don't spend enough time and energy on commands that they want their dogs to learn.  

Since Most dogs follow their nose and like to be rewarded I suggest these simple directions to start.

1). Establish/Decide on the command (ex. Sit)
2). Stand in front of your dog and repeat the word "sit" while holding a treat in front of him/her
3). If the dog does not sit for the treat, repeat "sit" while giving the dog a friendly push on their lower back to put them into the sit position (muscle memory)
4). Keep Repeating this process until the dog sits as soon as you say "sit" with a treat in your hand
5). Eventually remove the treat and hopefully your dog will be sitting on command !!!!